here is the Cummins diesel generator made and what are its features?

here is the Cummins diesel generator made and what are its features?

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The Cummins brand first produced and launched its diesel generator in the United States in 1919, and to this day, Cummins diesel generators are considered one of the most famous brands in the field of diesel generators. This brand offers its products in the power range of 22 to 3000 kW. Among the important features of this generator are the following.

Cummins diesel generators are produced in different power ranges from low to high and can be used in small and large-scale projects.
Cummins brand products have the ability to work continuously due to their high power and quality.
The generators used in Cummins brand diesel engines are from the top generator brands such as Stamford and Macalte.
The cooling system in this brand's products is one of the most advanced methods in the world, which prevents the device from boiling during operation and prevents its failure.
Cummins brand diesel generators are very resistant to harsh weather conditions and work without problems in temperatures above 50 degrees and below 30 degrees. Cummins brand products also have very high efficiency in humid areas.
Cummins brand products are produced in 4 to 16 cylinder categories, most of which are equipped with a turbocharging system.
Due to the high quality of the parts used and the construction based on modern science, Cummins brand products have a long lifespan and their maintenance costs are very low.
Spare parts for Cummins products are available in Iran and there will be no worries about parts support.

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